Sunday, February 7, 2016

pivotal Week

This week is going to determine a lot for my life. I am trying to just give it up to God but I am not good at that, Indian giving at it's finest.

1. My primary care already spoke with my "new" electrophysiologist who refuses to treat with ports and he said that they need to contact my old electrophysiologist, I am really not sure why because she is VA so I can't actually see her. IDK they might just have questions, I have no idea!

2. I should have a plan put together within the next 48 hours, please pray for this. It could go absolutely any direction, I have no clue and that lack of knowledge (faith) has me a little terrified.

3. Wisdom, peace, comfort, and compassion are huge prayer requests as I go into this unknown world.

4. I was at least able to get ahold of my neurologist about my muscles locking in my neck and back to where I can't turn my head and it gives me major migraines. Upping my muscle relaxers and getting me set up with pain management so I mean I got somewhere with something, I guess.

The words pain management brings back a world of memories and reflections. God has got me through soooo much. I should be able to rest assured this will work out the same way.

That's all I have to say, updates to come.

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