Tuesday, February 2, 2016

no options

I have hit a point in my condition where I am currently out of options, medically speaking. If you read my last post about the new doctor you will see that he says Dr. Quattromani is who I need to see because his treatment plan is not something I am on board with and he doesn't really treat complex POTS cases anyway and I should see a neurologist because it is really a brain signal issue, not a heart issue. I have seen one neurologist who specializes in POTS and he told me to go get a nice firm body and then I will be fine. My current neurologist does not know much about the condition. He said really Dr. Q is who I need to be seeing even though it was 2 hours away because there is nothing else. The Cleveland and Mayo clinics would not do anything besides what we have already tried so that would be pointless. I stated awhile ago that Dr.Q was setting up a clinic and will still see patients and all. Well, I called yesterday and was told that she will not see me and I spoke again today with her nurse who said she will only approve my infusions and sign off on them for a little while because you have to regularly see your patients in order to keep that going and the clinic will not be set up anytime soon.

I have no treating doctor for my POTS at this time but they say even if I did it would just be maintaining my current state because there is no cure possible so we treat symptoms and they do not know any other ways to treat me. I will be seeing my primary doctors nurse practitioner tomorrow who will then speak with the doctor while I am in the office and see if there is ANY steps to take.
The newer doctor said to focus on quality of life at this point because Dr. hopping will not help because there are not options.

I am lost, defeated, shattered, scared and I just want to wake up from this nightmare. I am struck way down but I have not lost all hope. I have a savior who has saved my life so many times and is walking this unknown journey with me, I will not give up. Palliative care has been discussed and will be discussed more tomorrow to help in the treatment of symptoms. Please pray for tomorrow, I need all the prayers I can get. For a peace despite all understanding on my part and wisdom for the doctors. Pray for me to not loose hope and for my family as we all are involved in this situation. I am not done fighting. I am not ready to stop and say welp this is it and I will be like this forever, I am not done yet.

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