Monday, February 3, 2014


My pulmonologist who deserves a gigantic award has come through for me once again and said that since he has been in contact with me since DEC 18th he will fill out my FMLA papers from that date to when I got my diagnosis. Thanks God. This doctor puts all the others to shame since if he can then they could have filled it but chose not too. Too much writing or something. So I thank God for coming through for me and this pulmonologist that has been put in my life for a very special reason, obviously.

Now what is pending is my electrophysiologist to redo the papers correctly and my LTD to be approved and social security approval but a huge part of my prayer was answered today so yay for good things to dwell on!


  1. This is great news! When my tire blew out the other day, I thought, well, at least I don't have to go to the bathroom too badly. I ended up waiting a reeeealllly long time for roadside assistance. It's the little bright spots in our day that we have to focus on when things are so hard. Bless you Allyson.

  2. The little accomplishments keep you going even when you have like 5 other serious stuff that needs to happen you can find joy and hope watching God work it out.

  3. I'm going to write a nice thank you note to Dr.S for being such a great help,support,and guide in your path to wellness.
