Saturday, February 22, 2014

new start

A big piece of the puzzle of my pile of life problems to figure out was solved for me. I was staying at my parents for a little bit and my roommate was home when she hears a knock at the door. Upon answering it A BJC man asks if she was Allyson Hartman after replying no but she is my roommate but she isn't here right now he asks her if she would sign for a packet and ensure I got it. Of course she did and called me.

Now, when someone from a large company pulls up to hand deliver a package full of letters that must be signed for it is not usually a good thing. I answer her call and listen to the story and my heart drops, I know what is coming. She opens it and reads the letter and as of April my employment with BJC is terminated and dropped all the down in the ranks to where I can't even apply through a different system we have for current or previous employees to apply at. Thanks BJC. As she reads I am thinking wow they really twisted those words to make it the perfect amount of subtle regarding who's "fault" this is. MINE. My favorite is it describes the things that I should have done to extend the process that I didn't do. bahahaha hey idiots I did do them. Twice actually. I'm gonna need you guys to get it together. Well, I won't anymore but for the sake of my co-workers than I love and will miss so much.  Anyways, she finishes reading it and I begin to process it.

I knew my exact job position with the nurse practitioner was going to be given away and that was fine but to be completely fired from BJC all together is not the vibe I got before. In fact, I had just spoke with the one who signed and typed up the letter the week before and she was trying to help me with one of my paperwork issues. I have remained in contact with everyone through this whole process giving updates and having doctors fill out way too many forms and this is what happens. BUT this is the proof that I have been asking God and searching for about trying to get a job at Mercy or SSM and I think I just got the most clear answer possible. This is so bittersweet though I have AWESOME co-workers who have been there for me and covered 2 and 3 docs while I was out aka they had no heads and you just run around and have just always been there to lend a helping hand and the nuse practitioners and doctors are some of the best I have EVER met in my life not just as a MA but also a patient. So yes, I have been terminated with the official start date of April18th. Bittersweet. God is still in control though so now I just get to sit back and watch his big picture unfold and do my part when asked and that sounds pretty good to me right about now. A little scary but it is mostly more peaceful giving it to God by force to deal with. The rest of this is directly to my co-workers I don;t care who reads it but I was just informing in case you have had enough of my novel already ;)

 Dear IMS,

You all have become such a big part of my life and I will never forget any of you. After being on the float pool this is the first job I had where I realized that I can go to work and not everybody hates everybody and if you need anything you can just ask and someone will help without going postal on your eyeballs. How refreshing. I truly care about each and every one of you and especially Heather who put up with my antics, whining, and mental retardation everyday without complaining. I will never forget all the good times we had and I know I will cherish the friendships that I have made as I go forward. I did not expect that me having a seizure one day would result in my job being terminated but I guess thats how it works these days. I also want to send out a huge thank you for those of you that assisted in any way on Dec 18th. You all saved my life and there is no way to repay someone for something like that but I do want to say thank you from the bottom of my still beating heart to all of you. I am going to stop now so I stop crying but as of April 18th I am officially terminated and I guess it lets me focus on my health.
                                                                                            Never a Final Goodbye,

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