Sunday, February 2, 2014

sexy trucks, ugly guys, rednecks and sheep and a little "looking good"

This happened without trying
I am not sure how many people are actually reading these compared to when I posted updates on Facebook. I don't know if I just think that because I don't have "likes" and comments showing me directly that it is looked at but I am going to continue to do it anyway. It confuses me but what doesn't anymore.

I had the joy of reading, comprehending, google searching big words, and eventually filling out the 50 cow loads of paperwork for long term disability and state disability. I mean cows are fat and dumb and the paperwork was too so it fits. I was going to go with sheep but then the minute that thought popped into my head I got the chills and had a minor anxiety moment so that had to change. I will explain my dislike for sheep at the end. never fear I will not leave you to make up your own stories as to my fear of sheep. (A part of me would like to because I feel like that could get weird and I love weird)

Anyways legal type of papers are dumb and confusing. PLEASE PRAY THAT THIS AND MY FMLA WORKS OUT BECAUSE IT ISN'T EXACTLY GOING SMOOTHLY. I went to monster jam last night and it was super cool because I like the sound of loud trucks and destruction. I don't know what it is about loud trucks that is appealing but I know I'm not the only girl who thinks that, right?! someone, anyone?! The only issue with this is then the guy gets of said truck and all of your hopes and dreams have gone on a vaca to Florida when you see what the person behind the sexy truck looks like. Sometimes good and a lot of times bad and on occasion it's a female and you hang your head in shame. Unless you role that way but that's a whole different story. Let me just end my discussion about hot guys and sexy trucks with the fact that monster jam is probably the only reason why mass quantities of rednecks would come to downtown St.Louis.

I lied here is a quote from two rednecks behind us. (the speaker asks those who are firemen, EMT, or police officers to stand.) Two guys behind us stand and one looks at the other and told him to sit down, he complied. Then the real firemen asks the other guy what "service" have you done that makes you think you can stand?" he goes "I don't know" firemen: "Which are you" and this next part made me laugh in a pure drunk redneck voice he goes " shoot I don't know what I am. I thought I was something and they said stand so I did it."

So, yeah I did something fun yesterday. It took it's toll on my body as today hasn't been all that great but worth it. I have been getting the comment "you look good" or "you look better than I thought you would" by a lot of people. This message is going out to everyone besides my parents because they know I might look good compared to other days. I know it is said with good intentions but please don't say it. It comes across as wow you look good so you must not be as sick as you say are or wow you look good and are walking so you must be able to walk "this" well every day or you walk ________ far without passing so I don't believe you actually do pass out. It really comes down to you don't have to look like you are on your death bed in order to feel like it. I might look good with a smile on my face and I am standing up and walking across a room and I don't ever pass out or grab onto something so I don't faint; I may just look like any other perfectly healthy individual but that doesn't mean I am. Just don't say it. Replace it with something like oh it's good to see you out and about or yay you made it or simply ask how I am doing. Only ask if you want the answer and can accept it not being a I'm great in passing otherwise don't try.

I will end with my promised sheep story. My aunt lives in a rural area and they do 4-h fairs. My cousin was raising 2 sheep in preperation for the auction so of course you want your sheep to look good and that means exercise. I know this will be hard to fathom but you put collars and leashes on said sheep and take them for a walk down a nearby gravel road. Well, in true sheep form they had no interest in walking they wanted to stop and eat some grass and had the willpower to prevent us from walking them home until they did so. We perched in the grass and the sheep ate while me and my cousin sat and watched. Of course the one car a year that comes down said gravel road came through at that time and I was trampled by the sheep. I was maybe 11 or so and the fat one stepped on my arm creating a hoof print bruise and kicked me in the head and that began my dislike for sheep and really all farm animals. Now everyone from St.Louis you may now sit and ponder the concept of leashing and taking sheep for walks at this time.

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