Thursday, July 3, 2014

ablate everything?!

My CNS has been loosing it all week thus making me feel like death and I fully admit to my female crankiness that follows that. Walgreens is about to get to really experience that in all it's glory if they can't figure out how to run a business. My mom was like escorting me out yesterday as I was seriously pissed and at one point I might have said something along the lines of wanting to kill people, ya know, the norm. I would never. We didn't wait around to test it though. Probably for the best really. yesterday, I had muscle spasms going on and looked like I had turrets. I was telling my dad it is my nervous system misfiring and we proceeded to discuss cardiac ablations and he asked if you could ablate your nervous system. I feel like that would not go so well. You can't just go around like oh, kidney failure, let's ablate it! Oh stupidity, let's ablate it! (if only) there is no real "treatment" to cure what I have. A cure for POTS and Autonomic Dysfunction would be great but it hasn't been found yet, it is all about managing the symptoms throughout your whole life. Great fun. My current prayer requests are: 1. My appt on Monday with my new neurologist to discuss Botox treatments for migraines 2. My appt on Tuesday with my GI about my nausea. I wake up with it at 4am, 7am, and 9am and then proceed to deal with it the rest of the day.

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