Sunday, July 13, 2014

prayers and praise

People have been asking me for specific things they can pray for so I though I would put it here but first and do have a few praises to share so I will start with that: 1. I don't have congestive heart failure that they said could be a possibility in the hospital. Yay for no transplants!! 2. I am so blessed to have the parents I do that go above and beyond without one complaint. 3. I finally got set up with an in home cardiac rehab lady who knows all about this specific program I am supposed to follow. 4. I have the best friend and roommate ever who is packing my stuff for me since I'm rarely there and tire easily. 5. I was introduced to a fb group for people who have POTS in St.Louis and it is so nice to know you are not alone and to be able to ask questions and get support from others who have it. PRAYERS 1. If I could stop throwing up despite 4 nausea meds it would be great. 2. That my allergic reaction to the tape that holds my port in place will calm down. 3. That I will be able to get in and see my GI Dr in a timely fashion. 4. That I will truly learn to lean on God as this journey drags and wears me down emotionally. 5. NO MORE passing out issues because that just feels awful when it happens. 6. That my migraines will waft there way out of my brain. 7. Lastly,my long QT interval that showed up on my EKG when I was hospitalized will go away because that along with the fast heart rate basically means my heart is racing and then pausing altogether then racing again (and repeat) which could be dangerous. I hope this gives everyone a better idea of what is going on and what you can be praying for.

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