Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Cardiac Rehab

I have started doing in home cardiac rehab to re-condition my heart and wow is it a reminder of what this syndrome has done to my body. I am still absorbing the limitations that I am supposed to follow which are not really realistic to life. I am only supposed to walk short distances and was told no more than 30 ft at a time. (yes, 30 ft) That is near impossible so when discussing it with my physical therapists she said if I HAVE TO walk more than 30 ft then I need to sit down everytime I reach that 30 foot mark or if that's not plausible then I must have a CANE with me so I can stop and shift alot of my weight onto the cane. we also discussed my need to leave my house on occasion and my desire to return to church and be around people which would no doubt be more than a 30 ft walk, sometimes by far and I was told that I can do those things like go shopping or go to church but only in a wheelchair and a transport one as well so I wouldn't be the one doing the work to move it, someone would have to push me. If I didn't feel old before I sure do now. I'm approaching 90 with the cane and wheelchair, just wait until I end up with a walker! It might help if I explain a little bit about cardiac rehab because it is so different than most rehabilitation areas. It is judged off of two scales: one being your rate of exertion and the other being your vital signs but the rate of exertion is the primary one used. Everything that we do in our sessions has to be "light and easy", if it becomes a little bit hard it is mandatory to stop because at that point you are doing more damage than good. Each time there is a sitting warm up where I like move my ankles and bend my knees and little things like that as a way of telling my heart ok I am about to get up and do something so you need to actually be pumping then I. Can get up and walk. Sadly, once I reach 30 ft my exertion goes from light and easy to a little bit hard so that is my walking limit for now. After the walk we do a cool down reminding my body hey we are stopping by doing similar little exercises that I did in the warm up. In a normal person all of these things that I must prepare and intentionally tell my body happen instantly and automatically without a second thought but mine no longer does that and through this slow slow slooooow process we are teaching it to do that again. It is all a little overwhelming and the fact that I now require a cane and a wheelchair at 22 is a kind of discouraging but God knew my body would loose it's marbles and I just have to accept that this is just how it is for the time being and obey when I have to use a cane or a wheelchair whether I like it or not.

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