Sunday, July 6, 2014

good times

I knew my body was complaining since Tuesday but I ignored it because with pots you just never know what is too little or too much for your body to handle. It is all a risky guessing game. Each day I felt worse so I took it easier as that is logical and I fully expected my body to go right along with it and calm down and everything would be peachy. Yeah, my body had other plans. Early Saturday morning I started to feel really bad and was so weak any movement would make my heart rate shoot up and my oxygen drop. my oxygen was then consistently in the 80's so my parents and I were in my room debating on what to do and I decided that I have to go downstairs at some point so my dad got me standing up and I was leaning against him as my body went numb and when my legs began to buckle I decided that it is not going to happen and sat back down when all of a sudden I lost my hearing and then passed out. When EMS arrived my Bp was 70/50 and they used a chair with tracks on it to get me down the stairs to the gurney. My Bp has been low on and off and my cardiac enzymes are moderately elevated showing some damage to the heart but I have yet to see my electrophysiologist and find out what her thoughts are. I don't get the feeling that they are too worried about my enzymes but I have heard congestive heart failure thrown around a few times and since I have been having chest pain and vomiting today I don't know what they are thinking. Really, I don't know about any of it. I am completely worn down and trying really hard to stay in good spirits and keep my sense of humor in tact to push through along with a lot of prayers because this is beyond old.

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