Saturday, March 8, 2014


SO MANY OF THEM! Soon they will take over the world. Then the rapture will happen and God will reign and heaven will be awesome and all will be fantastic forever. Only part of that was realistic but hey right now I am awake and I don't want to be so I can temporarily think whatever I want.

So this Tuesday I have a consultation with the surgeon that you all can pray with me that he will agree to put in my port. I was so against this port until reality check 101 got stuck in my face and most of what I remember is you have a lifelong disease so you could need infusions periodically for your whole life so because of that the port is in your best interest. Something like that.

After hearing all that blah blah blah that won't really sink in for quite awhile I agreed to the port mostly based on the fact that it is under my skin so when it isn't accessed I can shower WITHOUT wrapping it with cling wrap. Guys cling wrap is not meant for bodies but that' what I have to do now and it is horrible. straight up ratchet. I'm semi-ignoring life long talk for now because I can barely deal with today so I start there.

Now I have done one day of an 8 hr IV saline infusion and the next day I went to get out of bed which usually goes something like I sit up get dizzy, stand up get more dizzy and lightheaded, walk stumble to the bathroom, walk stumble back until I make it into my bed and praise God that I made a safe return after about a total of 12 steps. After Fluids I got up, walked into the kitchen, emptied the dishwasher, made pancakes, then went back to bed and slept for 4 hours out of exhaustion but without the dizziness that made me feel like I was dying. HUGE STEP!!!!.

So at last, almost 3 months later a good step and I am thrilled so please pray with me that the surgeon will agree to the port and I can get that started and then get physical therapy going. Thank you all for all of your support and love I could not do it without God and you all.

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