Tuesday, March 4, 2014

PICC line status

Nobody knows what the right hand is doing. I called my Dr. office on Monday to find when they scheduled my PICC line placement for and the person that schedules them was not going to be in until Today. I was like okay whatever. Well, last night my infusion nurse called and asked what time she should come out today to show me how to use it. When I explained the situation she informed me that there infusion specialist who I talked to at the beginning had called my cardio office on Friday and they were setting it up to be placed on Monday and at the latest early this morning and would call me with the details which obviously did not occur.

So, I spoke with cardio they are going to ask around and try to figure it out and then give me a call. Left hand and Right hand can we please just get a long. So now I do what I always do and wait, wait, wait, wait , wait, and more wait. after all, it is my favorite activity ya know. Hopefully they can squeeze me in somewhere and get it in because once I have that I can start PT now that I have a new order that The physical therapists will actually accept.weeeeeeee. life.

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