Sunday, March 9, 2014

Heaven bound

So, as most of you know yesterday sucked. I felt horrible in the morning and as time went by I just kept feeling worse and worse. As if that doesn't suck enough my IV blew and my veins were up to the usual antics so, it took 4 home care nurses, one being a NICU nurse to get one in all between the hours of 1-8. The one who actually got it was my last hope because if she couldn't it wasn't going to happen; as I was told she could put an IV in a rock. Unfortunately, I broke her record since it took her three tries for a grand total of 6 tries. around 8pm it was finally in though!!! Now God has blessed me majorly with one thing, due to so many IV's in my life I have very little feeling towards needles in my arms.

So with my migraine getting worse and the NICU nurse saying she was done trying and I have one more hope who she will call out I lost it. So,tired of everything being difficult and all I could do after the nurse left was sob on the couch and text my dad to ask if he would come over because I needed him to be there. I then did what I always do in this moment put on repeat a song about heaven it will be "I will rise" by Chris Tomlin or "I can only imagine"because in these moments I long for heaven. I of course will but I cannot wait to be with God and be away from the problems of this world. I have to thank Jesus for dying for me so that I have heaven to look forward to beyond this life because without that I would have no reason to be alive and keep facing my trials. Sometimes, I can lay there and mentally put myself in heaven and other times it gives me that piece of hope that I need to keep going knowing what is waiting for me "on the other side" no matter how long it takes and how many more trials I will have THEY WILL ALL END ONE DAY. That day will be one glorious day but until them I am heaven bound and will cling to that on days when it is so hard to even open my eyes. God is still and always will be good and have my best interest in mind even when I can't see the big picture.

On a totally not serious note that I have to share when I was searching for a pic that looked like the peace we will find in heave I google searched just the word heaven under images this happened: your welcome.


  1. Oh my sweet girl, I love you so much!
    Just felt like telling ya.
    You are never alone,

  2. Oh my sweet girl, I love you so much!
    Just felt like telling ya.
    You are never alone,

  3. Sorry about accidentally posting comment twice.
    After this was done, I did think it was good and worth repeating.
