Tuesday, January 27, 2015

doctors and sarcasm

I choose to handle my life issues with sarcasm instead of um everything else but doctors just don't catch on a lot. My doctor walks in today and goes "so, blood clots huh?" and I said "oh yeah it was fun" He stared at me for a second before saying no, that's not fun. He then proceeds to explain my potential for death if I fall being all serious and stuff and I am sure it looked to him like I don't understand the serious nature of my current state but when you have been through so much in life that hearing the risk is an opportunity to joke or cry and I joke. I am very aware of the serious nature of having POTS and being on blood thinners but I am not going to sit here and panic because in case you haven't noticed, God has saved my life so many times and I don't think He is done with me on this earth yet.

I was told that if there is a remote possibility that I could pass out I need to crawl from bed to my destination. I am sure that would be a sight to see as I slither through my house. He basically said if I fall and hit my head on anything it would be a race against the clock to pump me full of plasma to make my blood clot before my brain swells and well death occurs. I know my reaction was not what he was expecting but ya know God can overcome anything that comes out of the doctors mouth so I had no reason to freak out. I guess it comes down to the fact that I have had so many near death experiences that God has pulled me from and I believe He will continue to do so until He is done with me so, yes I am in a SERIOUS condition but God is bigger than any life-threatening event. I know I haven't told anybody the full extent of the danger I am in but it is why I have had to turn down many hang-out moments in order to avoid death so anyone that I have turned down you now know the "real" reason for it.

Regardless, God is good and in control so I will not fear my situation and I am excited to one day see His master plan and how all of these bad pieces of my life connect but for now it's one step at a time.

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