Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Last night into today has been so hard. I have felt so sick and if I wasn't so stubborn (wonder where that came from haha) I would probably be in the hospital right now due to all of my symptoms and almost passing out about 20 times last night. I have basically been asleep all day but when I am awake, it is not a great feeling. I am trying so hard to avoid the hospital and Lord willing, I will. This disease takes a lot from you but it does build faith because that is all you have left to turn to and it can never take God away from you. Despite how hard the last couple of days have been I can look below at God's promises and protection and find peace through the suffering. It is not gone by any means but my heart and soul are uplifted to help handle whatever God has in store for me next.

Psalm 11:1-4 (commentaries)
David was forced to flee for safety several times. Being God's anointed king did not make him immune to injustice and hatred from others. David fled, but not as all was lost. He knew God was in control. While He wisely avoided trouble, he did not fearfully run away from his troubles. Faith In God keeps us from loosing hope and helps us resist fear. David was comforted and optimistic because he knew God was greater than anything his enemies could bring him.

Psalm 11:4-(commentaries)
when the foundations are shaking and you wish you could hide, remember that God is still in control. His power is not diminished by any turn of events. Nothing happens without his knowledge and permission. When you feel like running away- run to God. He will restore justice and goodness on the earth in His good time.

Psalm 11:5-(commentaries)
God does not preserve believers from difficult circumstances, but He tests both the righteous and the wicked. For some, Gods tests become a refining fire, while for others they become and incinerator for destruction. Don't ignore or defy the tests and challenges that come your way. Use them as opportunities for you to grow.

Psalm 23:4-(commentaries)
Death casts a frightening shadow over us because we are entirely helpless in it's presence. We can struggle with our other enemies -pain suffering, disease, injury but strength and courage cannot overcome death. It has the final word. Only one person can walk with us through death's dark valley and bring us safely to the other side-the God of life, our Shepard because life is so uncertain, we should follow this Shepard who offers us eternal comfort

Psalm 23-5-6:-(commentaries)
In the final scene of this psalm, we see that believers will dwell with God, God the perfect Shepard and host, promises to guide and protect us, through life to bring us into His house forever.


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