Monday, June 16, 2014

change of plans and life lessons

So, my body has decided to go backwards giving me fevers of 101 and making me feel really crappy. I am still dealing with a pulse of about 110 while laying down and about 125-165 with O2 drops down to 82%. I mentioned previously that my pulmonologist wanted to have home health come out and do a walking oxygen test with me but that all changed with the fevers. I now must be at DePaul at 9:15am tomorrow morning for a chest x Ray and a walking oxygen test and then an appointment with my pulmonologist. We are praying it didn't morph itself into something super crazy but  it is a possibility.

Sometimes I feel like I can't catch a break but then I realized that Jesus didn't either because He had the weight of knowing He would suffer on the cross for us and his own father would turn on him in that moment and he had to carry that weight while being directly tempted by Satan and enduring a lot of suffering on this earth so why do I deserve to catch a break? I don't and when I get one it is an act of mercy, not a right.

This leads me to some life lessons I'm learning at 22. A lot are hard to accept at my age but I guess God is teaching me early. So here are a few I will share so you can think on them too:
1. Just because you are young; you are not exempt from the struggles of this world
2. God never leaves or gives up on us even if we give up on Him and ourselves
3. ALL suffering has a purpose even if we don't know what it is
4. GOD has NO obligation to reveal the cause of our sufferings to us, it's called faith
5. Life is hard
6.GOD is faithful. Always.
7. We are never alone
8. Suffering is going to make heaven that much sweeter
9. GOD becomes more mysterious as you try to connect things and you stand amazed at how He created us and the pure power He has to do that alone let alone everything else.

1 comment:

  1. You continue to amaze me every day that you share your thoughts and all of what the Lord is teaching you.
    Watching your heart be continually softened and interacting with your ever so sweetly growing sprint is a delight to a momma's soul.
    I love you so much.
