Saturday, June 21, 2014

pray request for tonight

My emotional state is like a pendulum but for tonight I ask for prayers as the fact that it has been 6 months of dealing with this and it hits me like a ton of bricks at times. I miss my independence and just being able to do simple tasks such as walk up stairs or going to Walgreens without having to take a ton of meds before and crashing when I get home. Even taking a bath or shower has been taken from me and I. Have to have a babysitter if either one of my parents will be gone. I need help at times walking from one room to another and going up stairs I have to stop half way while the blood drains to my feet and I wait for my heart rate to go to about 145 in order to get blood back to my brain enabling me to walk the rest of the way all the while my blood pressure is dropping more and more so by the time I make it to my bed I am lightheaded and can't catch my breath. I walk slower than a snail and I have to sit frequently so my O2 and BP can compensate for whatever my heart is doing. I'm 22 and all of this is so hard. I know God is here and helping me but it is still a tough daily battle that I am struggling with right now. I'm 22 going on 90 and I'm fairly certain that is not how it is "supposed" to go according to me of course but God has other plans. Please pray for mental and physical strength in this battle where I don't know what tomorrow or really 2 hrs from now will bring. Thanks in advance for all my prayer warriors out that.

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