Thursday, June 19, 2014

PCP and cardiology update

I am very happy with my new primary care Dr, he is very thorough and I will be seeing him every six weeks unless something weird occurs. I said ok I will see you in a few hours! I think he will actually be able to manage my case which is what I have been looking for cause sorry docs I know it has been drilled into your head that if it looks like a zebra then it's a zebra but I don't follow that I'm like a bigfoot. Yes, an unknown species.

I then saw my cardiologist who said that my current heart medication is not working and I need to switch to a new one. She said if I didn't have asthma then I would not be having issues because I could take normal beta blockers but since I have the asthma I have to take a special kind of heart med that doesn't work as well. If I didn't have.....hmmmm that sums up my life pretty well!!! She also gave me my last option for nausea and she said (and I quote) "if that doesn't work I don't know what the f*** to give you" 10-4 doc copy that. She's crazy but a genius and I love her. She is also changing my IV fluids around to help keep my BP up and to help stabilize my heart rate. Please pray with me that this works because I am limited on options compared to most and never do anything the correct way.

I have physical therapy coming to my house to help train my nervous system at home since I am to rest as much as possible. I know God has a plan for my life and all of these medical hiccups play into His master plan which seems really confusing right about now but I am thankful He doesn't leave me even in my moments of doubt and discouragement. I just have to remember his love never fails.

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