Friday, June 27, 2014 exists!

I feel so blessed "this time around" to have so much support and visitors. I don't feel like I really had much of it in the past and it makes such a difference to my mental well being. This situation can get kind of depressing at times and very isolating so to have people putting forth effort to ensure that I don't feel like I fell off the face of the earth means so much. I have had enough people ask where I am at now and what the "plan" looks like that I feel the need to put it here. First of all I can't have a plan because my body does what it wants but we wait and see what this new heart medication does and I continue to do PT to try to train my nervous system over approximately 2 years and doing I.V. Fluids through my port daily. That is what we are doing to try to at least improve the POTS and autonomic dysfunction. It is unknown but doubtful it will go dormant since apparently everytime I get sick it goes postal but hopefully the symptoms can be managed better over the next 2 years. Yes, 2 years. It is a non-curable, debilitating syndrome. As far as my migraines go I see my 3rd new neurologist on July 7th who specializes in using Botox injections to treat migraines so that looks like 5 billion kinds of fun. lastly, my food intake is not good and I still have stomach acid in my blood so I go see my GI on July 8th so he can figure out what to do. This battle isn't even close to being over yet but I am not alone. I have God who is all powerful and I have a good support system so forward I go.

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