Tuesday, June 24, 2014


There is nothing worse than when a Dr doesn't believe what you are saying about your diagnosis. You go seeking help for pain and leave with no relief and now more emotional scars and doubting everything you have been treated for for months. It leaves you feeling like everything could just be in your head and you are crazy. Knowing von loudly I know this can't be in my head but to hear this doctor say that my electrophysiologist must be wrong about my diagnosis because it isn't presenting itself normally is UN-called for. I don't do anything normal so you have to take that out of the equation. I am so frustrated with everything, sometimes on the journey through life you just want to go to sleep and have it be over with. If this next neurologist is a piece of work I will be running out of options. Please pray for my mental and physical health but mostly mental as this finding a Dr who believes me and I isn't too afraid to take my case.

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