Friday, June 20, 2014

Gods plan

I had a very special visitor see me on Wednesday and while she was looking through my baby book she mentioned that I have always been a fighter. I didn't say anything in the moment because I had to ponder it but it hit me in a good way like a ton of bricks. I entered this fallen world as a 1 lb 8 ounce fragile baby who barely made it through the beginning of life let alone my battles since.

I began to think of my life as a whole and God touched my heart and I could feel His presence as I thought about the fact that He has had to have His angels surround me for my whole life thus far and He has never left because if He did I would not be alive today. I don't know why I have had to and still am going through the trials that I am but I know the God who sustains me has big plans for my life and my story. I don't know what that looks like and I may never know because He might choose to do it in a more suttle way that I can't see but there is one thing I do know for a fact: it is not in vain.
This has given me so much peace and although it still sucks and is hard to make it through each day keeping this knowledge in my mind gives me the drive to keep on going in order to let God use me for His plan without me getting in the way. I love how He uses people to share his thoughts with us. It shows what a mighty and all-powerful God we serve.

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