Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The hands that hold the world are holding your heart

First of all, I apologize to everyone for not answering calls or texts. Sometimes, when  another set back happens no matter how big or small I can't take people. I know that everyone cares and wants to know if I am doing ok and hanging in there so I apologize for being rude and not responding to everyone who wants to help. So sorry.

I am going to go on a side direction really quick before continuing with  health crap. In 6 days I will be completely cleared of all driving restrictions thus making it so that I can drive on highways and go to my bazillion doctors appointments on my own. I am crying as I type this because on December 18th 2013 I lost everything. My ability to drive, my job, and all of my freedom; leaving me broke and thankful for parents that help out until our lease is up and I move back home. I lost my freedom of living outside my parents house and now I am headed back home on Aug 23rd; something I never thought or ever wanted to do. I may have lost a LOT but I did get some surprises on the way and this on is a shout out to my mom. We might not have the closest relationship but she has made huge changes and has been able to drive me all over the place and I am so thankful that she can now do that and I am beyond proud of her for the changes she is making because they haven't been easy.

Back to my failing body. Migraines are back and I have been to the ER 3xs in 2 weeks for them and the ER docs start to get there depends in a bunch because they don't want to keep giving me stuff and I need to see a neurologist. Hey derp head, I have one but I can't see her for 2 months so I switched to a different one and when I saw him he said oh you are here for migraines they should have put you with this particular neurologist who specializes in headaches....that can't happen until July 17th which is all in my chart for the ER doctor to see. pause with me for a huge derp derp derp derpy moment......ok now once again my mom really came  through for me she sees a pain management specialist who does botox injections (which the other neuro said they would end up doing after July 17th)she gets hers done there and her doctor is very very nice and my mom was able to call in and explain my hot potato patient aka: screw you patient status and they said oh no she can't wait that long there is no way especially with all of my other ailments because they will work together to fight against me so June 13th I will have an appointment with him but it can still take months to get the botox approved. He does do very strict medication monitoring so he could help me in the meantime.

My PT has been put on hold because my heart rate was going too high and I haven't been able to keep much food down and last time I went the therapist said she could tell I had lost weight and no more sessions until I see my Doc on the 10th of this month. So I finally feel like I am doing something right and this occurs. I was enjoying PT and felt hopeful for once in a veryyyy long time now I just feel sick, lonely, confused, disappointed and lost. The only thing that is keeping me together right now is that God is holding my heart and won't let go. So here is your super depressing update sorry about that, it's life I guess.

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