Wednesday, June 18, 2014

food wars

so, my body has rebelled against food for a few months now and the Dr's solution is to just eat. Now, if I could do that and have it stay down we would not have to be discussing the issue. Derp. Sometimes I just don't understand.
on an unrelated note my dad worked from home so he could "babysit" me today while my mom was gone. Yes, my life has become that pathetic. Anyways, one of our conversations went like this:

me:"I want to go upstairs"
*that usually requires someone behind me so we start to go up and I have to pause half way so I don't pass out*
dad: poking me while we stand in the middle of the stairs.
me: what are you doing to me
him: smiles
me: I don't think enough blood is going to my brain today
dad: " that has always been your excuse!
yes, smarty pants.

I see my new PCP and my cardiologist tomorrow and I will update when I get home.

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